Magical Hair Oil To Grow Super Long Hair In 1 Month


Hair help to enhance the beauty of a woman. Therefore, it is the desire of all women to have long, healthy, strong, and shiny hair. But, all of you do not have beautiful, long hair naturally. If you take good care of your hair, and also, you provide required nourishment to your hair, you can easily make your hair grow longer fast. For you, here, I have a remedy if you are facing hair fall, and also, you want to get long hair naturally fast. In this video, I am going to share with you a simple recipe to make magical hair oil at home to grow super long hair within 30 days only.

Magical Hair Oil to Grow Super Long Hair

To grow hair naturally fast, the ingredients you need to make hair growth oil are


  • Coconut oil (a half liter)
  • Fenugreek seeds (three handfuls)

Preparation Method

  1. Take three handfuls of fenugreek seeds in a pan, and boil them for 15 to 20 minutes.
  2. After this, strain this water, and separate the seeds from the water.
  3. In a muslin cloth bag, pack the seeds, and keep this little bag for three days, and spray water on it daily.
  4. After three days, open the bag, and take out fenugreek seeds.
  5. Next, grind the seeds in the blender to get a powdered form.
  6. After this, add a half liter of coconut oil into a jar, and then add powdered fenugreek seeds in it, and mix the ingredients well.
  7. Cover the jar, and keep it in the light of the sun for three days.
  8. After three days, you will get the oil to grow super long hair ready for use.

How to Use:

  • You may apply it one hour before shampooing, or you may also leave it for the whole day. Use it regularly or at least three times in a week.
  • This hair oil to grow super long hair is very effective, and it naturally promotes the growth of your hair. Also, it strengthens the hair roots. So, make and use this oil to have beautiful, long hair within 30 days only.

The post Magical Hair Oil To Grow Super Long Hair In 1 Month appeared first on Healthy Helps.


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